Author: Chris

  • CPU cycle recycling

    One of the side effects of being a computer geek seems to be the proliferation of junker computers on the home network. Currently we have 4 machines running pretty much full time and another 3 that get used off and on. While these machines are on all/most of the time, it doesn’t mean they are…

  • My Favorite OSS Projects

    I think most IT types have an open source project or two that they follow. Whether it’s for business, watching for patches and security issues, or for fun, tracking cool enhancements and living on the bleeding edge, it can become a bit of an obsession. I was just checking some of my favs, in auto-pilot…

  • 411 on 419

    OW! My sides hurt! I ran across this site, while skimming /. What a riot! If you’ve ever received spam that offers you millions of dollars if you’ll just send your bank account number as a form of ID, or send a few thousand buck so the shipping company will release the documents to…

  • MindStorms in the grass

    My “Intro to Programming” kids attended a “Learning Day” event today. It was meant to give them (and other homeschoolers) an opportunity show off what they have been learning. It didn’t work out that way – the person that was supposed to let everyone into the build didn’t show. After waiting for a while, the…

  • BloGTK – testing one, two, three

    I’ve decided it would be nice to do my blogging in something other than an html/javascript based editor. While this may really be a subconscious attempt on my part to void updating my blog, it’s not working, because it only took me a few minutes to find something and get it installed. BloGTK is a…

  • Testing 1, 2, 3

    Trying to match my WebGUI theme to my MovableType theme is getting to be a bear…