Author: ChrisJ

  • 6 Really Bad Reasons to Have (More) Kids

    6 Really Bad Reasons to Have (More) Kids

    Have someone to fetch beverages from the fridge. The reality is that no one under the age of five can carry a can of carbonated  refreshment without shaking it. Getting from the living room to the kitchen and back almost certainly involves running twice around “the loop”, hopscotch across the kitchen tiles, lifting the can…

  • Be the Man!

    Be the Man!

    I don’t get a lot of comments on my blog, so it’s encouraging when I do. On one of my previous posts, Writing on the Door Post, a slow trickle a comments has broken my heart and got my hackles up a bit, as well. While the blog is about memorizing scripture, for one reader…

  • Good Morning, Daddy!

    Good Morning, Daddy!

    Just about every morning, one or both of my two youngest boys wakes us up to crawl in bed for a morning snuggle. It is pretty easy to predict how the day will go for them by how they act in those early morning minutes. If they are whiny, or argumentative, or sullen, it’s going…

  • Writing on the Door Post

    Writing on the Door Post

    Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Write them on…

  • Sing a New Song – Really Loud!

    I was stumbling some blogs (ouch! I seem to have a bad buzz word infection!) and ran across this this of 12 Ways to turn a bad day into a better one. There is some good advice near, but the one I focused in one was: 3. Sing in your car. And sing as loud…

  • Get Out of Jail Free Card

    Get Out of Jail Free Card

    The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender. – Proverbs 22:7 My wife and I are big Dave Ramsey fans. If you not familiar with his top-rated, 3 hour-a-day radio program, his 3 NY-Times best selling books on personal finance, his Fox Business Network TV show, or his down-to-earth,…

  • Road Trip!

    ( I’m shouting in my titles again, sorry. ) I psyched! A group of my brothers and I are headed to a Christian Men’s Conference called Iron Sharpens Iron in Portsmouth, New Hampshire on Saturday. There is a lot of cool stuff that can come from getting some friends together and heading off to a…

  • Play Free Bird!

    Opps, I meant “Free Word“! I have always been uncomfortable with the idea of copyrighting and limiting the reproduction of translations of the Scriptures. I think I understand why the people at copyright holders like Zondervan, the American Bible Society, and the Lockman Foundation have resorted to copyright. I understand the desire and need to…

  • Reading Between the Lines

    When I was first saved, I had the strange idea that bibles were sacred. I don’t mean The Bible, the Word of God, I mean those paper and ink books that had the Word of God written in them. It might seem like a semantic thing, but the effect of this odd idea was that…

  • Sing a New Song

    If you have an iPod or other personal media player, I bet it is stuffed full of good music, Christian and otherwise. I found a pretty cool project called Scripture Release that has taken a number of scriptures verses recommended by the Navigators Topical Memory System and put them to music. A plus for me…